- About some context
- Projects things I'm building
- Articles things longer than a post
- Posts things shorter than an article
- Links elsewhere on the web

Hi, you have reached my web hub, a place where I link to stuffs I do or write.
Some context.
I'm a few-decades-old human contributing to the transition toward a post-consumerist, caring, sustainable society. It took a while, but I'm now considering this to be difficultly compatible with a capitalist organization of society. I don't have that many solid certitudes on what should come to replace it, but that got to involve a good share of solidarity and commons, while maximizing individuals freedom, and minimizing administrative burden. easy.
Among the macro and micro resistances against capitalist totalitaristic trends, I have a particular focus on the systemic toxicity of commercial propaganda and what could come to replace it.
Experimenting on that question of how to reorganize information on resources brought me to where I am now: using most of my time developing inventaire.io, a web app that lets you do the inventory of your books to inform your network of which book you can give, share, or sell, while contributing to the web of linked open data on resources. Citizens empowerment is the mission, libre software and open knowledge is the way!
I'm also contributing to different strategies of resistance against industrialized attention capture for commercial purposes (a.k.a. advertisment), one being the ridiculously inefficient but symbolically interesting human ad blocker strategy.
things I'm buildingArticles
things longer than a postMapping resources using open knowledge
starting with books!09-02-2015Wikidata and the apt-get of things
29-04-2014P2P Resources Management
or how we could turn our transactional data in one of the most powerful tools for change20-05-2013Rethink ethical marketing after the critiques of Bernard Stiegler
aka "Is there such a thing as ethical commercial propaganda", aka my master thesis29-09-2012
things shorter than an articleDevenir le bibliothécaire de son réseau – inventaire.io
Interview chez Podcast Projets Libres !16-04-2024Human Ad Block: a tutorial
An ad blocker for ad screens in the metro: a simple and collective solution to resist ads aggression31-01-2018Entretien avec Sylvia Fredriksson
11-12-2017Discussion autour d'inventaire.io avec Xavier Coadic
@ Indie Camp Kerbors 201607-12-2016inventaire - libre et utopie numérique
Présentation d'inventaire.io lors du Hackadon 201509-03-2016Entretien avec bibliobsession
27-01-2016Accelerate the ecological transition economic darwinism
15-01-2016NodeSchool Lyon
20-10-2015Walking toward an economy empowering citizens with open knowledge
the slides of my #OSLabsCamp3 talk30-05-2015La génèse d'Inventaire
apprentissage vs flexibilité vs utopie numérique25-03-2015